Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The neural basis of the depressive self

"Depression is actually defined by specific clinical symptoms such as sadness, difficulty to experience pleasure, sleep problems etc., present for at least two weeks, with impairment of psychosocial functioning. These symptoms guide the physician to make a diagnosis and to select antidepressant treatment such as drugs or psychotherapy."

Read full article: The neural basis of the depressive self:

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cognitive behavioral therapy appears beneficial for adults with ADHD

Cognitive behavioral therapy appears beneficial for adults with ADHD: "Adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who received medication and individual sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) showed greater improvement in symptoms through 12 months compared to patients who did not receive CBT, according to a study in the August 25 issue of JAMA."